Brooke Dolny


Master's of Mathematics student at the University of Waterloo, member of the Computational Motion Group.

Github: brookedolny
Linkedin: brookedolny
21 February 2024

First Post

Hi, I’m Brooke. At the time of writing this, I am a graduate student at the University of Waterloo pursuing a Masters of Mathematics in Computer Science. When I was an undergraduate student, I really wanted to make a blog. A blog is a great way to document my experiences, learning progress, project, and work experience. Github pages is great for that, since I could basically just type up markdown pages with whatever content I wanted and jeykll would take care of the difficult website generation part.

My main issue with having a blog is that I struggle to think of what to write. I originally set up this website to document some of my projects and topics I learned about when I was an undergraduate student, back in 2018. As I got busier with my studies and work terms, my ability to keep up with my small blog faded. However, I’ve wanted to have a place where I can talk in depth about projects I’ve worked on. Perhaps these posts will be useful to you as well, and maybe you can avoid some of the pitfalls I encoutered years ago.

tags: posts - about